After three PSOs of a senior IAS officer and a GMC doctor were found to be Coronavirus positive among a total 105, Jammu region has been put on high alert.
District administrations of Jammu and Udhampur have already taken steps to ensure that the surge in Covid-19 cases could be stopped. Both the administrations have put in place movement restrictions from Fridays to Mondays.
While it is to be seen if the two day restrictions could help in flattening the graph of the infection, more and more patients were pouring in from different parts of the region that has rung alarm bells among the administration.
Three PSOs of a senior IAS officer were also found to be Covid-19 positive after which test were also conducted on him and his family to ensure if he was also suffering from infection. At least 25 security personnel posted in different areas were found to be infected with the disease.
Two women including one from Jammu and other from Darhal died due to Covid at GMC Jammu. Both were admitted at the hospital after they reported difficulty in breathing and other health problems.
A total of 20 people have died in Jammu due to the infection that includes twelve from Jammu district.
A doctor from GMC who works at the Orthopedics Department was also found to be suffering from the infection. A contact chasing was started by the GMC to know about the patients and other people in whose contact the doctor had come during the past few days.