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Jammu Police to carry out verification drives for tenants living in the city

Last Updated on January 27, 2021 at 6:40 pm

Police is all set to carry out an aggressive verification drive in Jammu city regarding tenants residing in the area without informing the police. Hiding information of tenants could become a costly affair for the landlords. In 2019, District Magistrate Jammu released a notification making it mandatory for the landlords to share required details of their tenants with concerned Police Stations.

A senior Police officer said that Gandhi Nagar Police has arrested a landlord for hiding information of his tenants, who killed ATM guard in Nanak Nagar area. In the past, almost every Police Station of Jammu city has randomly conducted drives verifying information of tenants and also registered cases against the landlords for hiding information in violation of DM’s order.

Sources told Early Times that according to the notification released by the District Magistrate Jammu on September 2019, landlords must have to share details of their landlords with concerned Police Stations.

An officer said that they have received very poor response from the general public regarding the matter. Only a handful of people have shared information of tenants after the DM’s orders. Territorial Police officers have been directed to conduct frequent checks, in order to find out if some people are hiding any information in this regard.

The officer said that Gandhi Nagar Police on 23 January conducted verification of a tenant namely Waqas Bashir Lone, who was involved in a murder case of an ATM guard. He was staying in the house of Jaswant Singh in Nanak Nagar Jammu. The owner had not informed police of a tenant in his house. As a result, the police registered a case against landlord Jaswant Singh at Gandhi Nagar. Jammu city can only become crime-free only if people start co-operating with the police.
