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Jammu to boast of country’s first ‘Rehri’ Mall soon under Smart City project

Last Updated on March 17, 2021 at 7:09 pm

Jammu will soon boast of the country’s first Rehri mall. This market will have two thousand carts to sell branded products. There will be separate lanes from food and drinks to clothing and other materials for customer’s ease while shopping.


The Municipal Corporation of Jammu is preparing a draft of the Rehri Mall under the Smart City project. If everything goes according to the plan then it will be functional soon. The MC will ensure that facilities like parking, drinking water, toilets, security are provided at the mall.

Sources said that there is vacant municipal land in Bhagwati Nagar. Under the Smart City project, the MC has already started preparing to develop this land as a Rehri mall. Two thousand carts will sell products like food, clothing, shoes and other essential items to customers.

A major feature is that carts will be lined in such a fashion at the Rehri Mall that the market will look like a mall.

The MC is planning to gradually set up similar small malls in other locations of city so that all vending carts can be located at a fixed point. This will facilitate the vending cart operators and the common people.

At present there is no parking facility in the city’s present vending cart zone. When buyers arrive it causes traffic problem.