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JDA serves notice to former J&K Dy CM Nirmal Singh regarding demolition of his house

Last Updated on November 10, 2021 at 5:25 pm

Jammu Development Authority (JDA) has served a five day notice to former Deputy Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir regarding demolition of his house built against norms.

Nirmal Singh had embarrassed his party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) when he built his house against norms near an army area. The army had also stated at that time that the house by the BJP leader was being built against norms.

In a letter to Nirmal Singh in 2018, the commander of Nagrota-based 16 Corps had said that the then under-construction building is a “potential safety hazard” for the army’s ammunition depot located nearby.

“The construction is in violation of Works of Defence Act (WoDA) 1903 as also Government of India, Ministry of Defence notification dated 26 September 2002,” Army had written in the letter.