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J&K administration relaxes earlier order to transfer overstaying employees

Last Updated on January 10, 2021 at 6:28 pm

The Jammu and Kashmir administration has relaxed its earlier order of transferring the employees belonging to various government departments including those who have not left their position even after passing of proscribed period.

Manoj Sinha new LG of J&K
Manoj Sinha

On 6th January, the UT administration issued an order for relaxing its earlier order of 15th October related to the transfers and postings of employees. The order mentioned that administration can have a say if there is an urgency involved or employee is staying beyond prescribed period. The order emphasized that the employees with maximum tenure will be transferred in the first instance and others thereafter.

This order would made hundreds of government employees and officials, who have been posted in city areas, benefitted from the appeasement policies of the former governments and have largely benefitted from the transfer-industry to be for the first time transferred to rural and peripheral areas.

An official said that there are some government employees and officials in every government departments who have managed their appointment in city areas because of their connections. These employees and officials have links with political leaders and also benefit their close political leaders whenever there is a need. In return, these political leaders would make their appointment in urban areas possible and reap benefits.

Another official said that it is not a very difficult task to identify these employees and officials as they have outstayed their tenure in urban areas which is a complete violation of transfer policy. There are many employees who are wandering from one rural area to another as they do not have any political backing.

Former governments of the erstwhile state made the transfer policy which was violated by the governments themselves and almost every government department violated the transfer industry.

The official demanded that every government department has a list of these officials and government should direct the Competent Authorities to release data for public related to stay of every government employee. He demanded that otherwise those government employees who have served more than their tenure in urban areas should be given premature retirement according to the new policy of LG administration.