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J&K and Ladakh to witness rain and snowfall from November 13

Last Updated on November 12, 2020 at 7:33 pm

The Meteorological Department on Monday predicted that the regions of Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmir are expected to witness snow and rains from 12th to 15th November as fresh Western Disturbances (WD) is likely to affect both the Union Territories.

In its weather forecast, IMD said that an active Western Disturbance is most likely to influence the Union Territories of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir and adjoining areas from 13th (evening) to 15th (late night) November 2020. The forecast further added that the weather system will influence widespread/moderate rain and snow in the regions mentioned. On the night of 13th November, Kashmir can expect light rain or snow and increase in its intensity and distribution in the following two days with gradual decrease after.

This can result in lowering of temperature during daytime and increasing in the night.

The forecast also mentions that upper regions of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh would mainly receive a heavy rain/ snowfall including Baramulla, Gulmarg, Qazigund, Bandipora, Sonamarg, Shopian, Gurez and Tulail valley, Pir Panjal, Karnah sector in Kupwara and sub-division of Drass and Zanskar in Ladakh region.

The disturbance is expected to negatively affect the traffic movement on major roads including Srinagar-Jammu national highway and Mughal road. Landslides and shooting stones could be also witnessed in weaker areas of Jammu-Srinagar highway. Other than that, the snowfall may also disrupt agricultural operations like apple harvesting.