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J&K collected Rs 1777 crore as toll and other taxes; Issues clarification

Last Updated on April 8, 2022 at 8:35 pm

The Excise Department today said a revenue of Rs. 2045.34 crore, including Rs.36.06 crore from Ladakh, has been realised during the financial year 2019-20. This also includes toll revenue of Rs.727.75 crore realised  upto 31st of December, 2019.

Reacting to a news report published in a local daily newspaper, the department clarified that since the abolishing of all the toll posts by the government with effect from January 1, 2020, vide notification SO 59 dated 31/12/2019 and SO 60 dated 31/12/2019 issued by the Finance department, an amount of Rs.1353.81 crore was collected in the financial year 2020-21 as excise revenue by the Excise Department as toll tax, which had already been abolished by the government vide aforementioned SOs.

After implementation of new Excise Policy from 2021-22, a revenue of Rs.1777.37 crore has been collected by the  department,  Rs.423.56 crore more than the excise revenue realized by the department during the year 2020-21.

For the policy year 2021-22, 228 liquor vends were put on e-auction, of which, 221 licenses were issued. During the current  year, 279 liquor vends were put on e-auction, of which, 252 vends have been cleared for allotment of JKEL-2 license.