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J&K contemplating reopening of schools and colleges, vaccination of all students ordered

Last Updated on February 1, 2022 at 8:47 pm

Jammu and Kashmir government is contemplating opening of schools and colleges due to which administration has ordered vaccination of all students.

Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Pandurang K. Pole enjoined on District Administration, Srinagar and Director School Education, Kashmir  to gear up  and  vaccinate cent percent student population falling in the age group 15-17 yeas on fast track basis.

Div Com specially laid emphasis on pacing up vaccination programme in district Srinagar which has been observed to be lagging behind other districts.

Pole stated that vaccination of this particular group is necessary to protect the young generation from contagious disease and disease related deaths. Besides,  it will help the administration to rethink about opening of colleges and schools in the near future in a secure environment.

The Director School Education Kashmir informed that out of 25000 students in Government schools eighty five percent students have been already covered under covid vaccination programme and are  inoculated for their first dose.

However, he maintained that out of 38000 students in coaching centres only 18000 have been vaccinated which is a matter of concern for all of the Srinagarities.

On the occasion, Div Com directed DC Srinagar, Director School Education and representatives of association of Private Schools  and coaching centres to get students inoculated as soon as possible which would be helpful  for the administration in reopening of schools/ colleges again.

The representatives assured their support to the divisional, district administration and health department in the vaccination process  so that every eligible student will be covered.

Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Mohammad Ajaz Assad stressed on CEO Srinagar and Principals to play an proactive role to achieve cent percent vaccination of 15-17 years age group of District Srinagar.

Among others, the Virtual meeting was attended  by Director Health Services Kashmir; Nodal officer Covid-19 Srinagar; Incharge DCCRK, Epidemiologist/SSO; CMO Srinagar; CEO Srinagar along with Principals of colleges and Schools; Assistant Director, H&FW Srinagar; Representative of Association of Private Schools & Coaching Centres and others.

In the meeting, the Representative of Association of Private Schools and Coaching Centres requested the administration to reopen these institutions for some days so that a special vaccination drive can be held in these institutions which will facilitate administration to take a call for reopening of these institutions in near future.