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J&K government gets tough on pending departmental enquiries, directs speedy disposal

Last Updated on December 14, 2021 at 11:05 am

Government of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir is acting tough on the pending departmental enquiries. After starting the process of granting prosecution sanctions in the corruption cases, government has come forward with directions to all the departments for expeditious disposal of the pending ones.

It has strictly been directed that no further delay will be accepted in this regard.

As per reports, 100 departmental enquiries are being processed at a high speed. In many departmental enquiries stay order was passed in various enquiries but other concerned departments officials lackadaisical attitude proved to be a reason behind pending cases.

In order to reduce the pending departmental enquiries such cases are being held on priority basis. Also, Division Bench of the Common High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh Union Territories also wants disposal of all pending Departmental Enquiries so that whosoever is found guilty is taken to the task as per rules.

Moreover, the departments have been told to strictly follow the guidelines and procedures to be adopted in the Regular Departmental Enquiries so that very purpose of investigation is achieved that too in a time bound manner.

The guidelines for Regular Departmental Enquiries were circulated by the General Administration Department vide Circular No. 28-GAD of 2013 dated 27.09.2013, No. 49-GAD of 2018 dated 12.12.2018, No. 18- GAD of 2019, dated 26.03.2019 and were reiterated vide Circular No. 06JK (GAD) dated 03.02.2020 after noticing that the same were not being followed by the departments in letter and spirit.
As per the guidelines, on the basis of the inputs received from the Investigating Agencies, the departments are required to critically examine the matter to determine as to whether a case for initiation of departmental proceedings is made out or not, as per Daily Excelsior.