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J&K government prematurely retires five government officials, some were under suspension

Last Updated on March 31, 2022 at 6:52 pm

The J&K Government while taking several measures for human resource development of employees of J&K by addressing issues like adhocism, timely promotions and conduct of DPCs, suitable trainings is, however, also firm on weeding out inefficient and Corrupt Government employees.

In its resolve to make administration efficient and transparent, the Government is taking firm action against the employees found guilty of misconduct and inefficiency. Acting tough against such employees, the Government today, after scrutinizing records of Government servants in terms of Article 226(2) of the J&K Civil Service Regulations, 1956 regulating cases of employees with inefficient working and service misconduct, along with departmental internal reviews, ordered premature retirement of five employees of Housing & Urban Development Department.Pursuant to the reviews and recommendations of the Review Committee, Hamid Ahmad Wani, I/c Senior Town Planner, Town Planning Organization (presently under suspension) was prematurely retired. The Review Committee had observed that the integrity of the officer was doubtful as he was found to be involved in a number of cases involving violation of building permission norms.

It was further observed by the Committee that the said officer is ineffective in discharging the assigned duties and no purpose would be served by allowing him to continue in the service.  The Review Committee also recommended case of Farzana Naqshbandi, the then Divisional Town Planner (now I/c Senior Town Planner, presently under suspension), for premature retirement under Article 226(2) of J&K CSRs after observing that the officer was involved in a number of cases involving violation of building permission norms/ illegal construction and corruption.Further, case of Imtiyaz Ahmad Dar, I/c Executive Officer, Municipal Committee, Yaripora was considered for premature retirement, as he was found involved in illegal regularization of daily wagers and embezzlement of funds and the Designated Committee observed that the delinquent officer has not only outlived his utility as a Government servant but his conduct is such that his continuance in service would be prejudicial and injurious to the public interest.

The Designated Committee also reviewed the case of Ghulam Mohammad Lone, I/c Executive Officer, Municipal Committee, Frisal. The officer was found involved in a number of cases of illegal appointments/regularizations in Municipal Committees in his capacity as Executive Officer, besides, having found to have violated the conduct rules governing the Government employees. Moreover, the Designated Committee, after reviewing the case of Mohd Ashraf, Executive Officer (presently under suspension), observed that the delinquent officer is involved in a serious case of embezzlement of government funds, besides, having granted illegal building permission  and as such, his integrity being doubtful and the officer being ineffective in discharging the duties, does not deserve to be continued in the service.  

​The Authorities while taking a serious view have directed that all such similar cases may be identified and action may be initiated, besides, the public servants should remain cautious while discharging their official duties and any such public servant who is found to be involved in any official misconduct, inefficient in public service deliverance and corruption, shall not be allowed to continue in the Government service.