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J&K rolls out new rigorous guidelines for interstate travellers

Last Updated on December 3, 2021 at 2:19 pm

Jammu and Kashmir government has rolled out new guidelines for interstate travellers after cases were reported in the country.

Rigorous screening and conduct of Covid19 RT-PCR Test shall be made mandatory at the Srinagar International Airport for International Arrivals as per the guidelines issued from time to time by MOHFW.

Any person found Covid19 positive shall be quarantined (Institutional) and treated as per standard protocol. The Samples of positive cases shall be sent to the designated INSACOG Genome Sequencing Laboratories (IGSLs) promptly, as per the India SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) Guidance Document.

Close tracking and testing of the contacts of travellers who have tested positive, as per MOHFW guidelines shall be adhered to.

Designated Surveillance Officers must establish a close coordination with their designated/tagged INSACOG Genome Sequencing Laboratories (IGSLs) for expediting results of genomic analysis.

Necessary public Health measures should be taken in case of presence of Variants of Concern/ Variants of interest (VOCs/Vols) is reported by the INSACOG network.

People from ‘At-Risk’ nations who test negative will, however, have to be in home  quarantine for 7 days. They should be tested again on Day 8 and if tested negative shall be advised to monitor themselves carefully for at least 2 weeks.

Travellers coming from countries considered not at risk and whose samples have tested negative should be advised to monitor themselves carefully for at least 2 weeks.

The Principle of “Test-Track-Treat-Vaccinate” shall be implemented in order to ensure stringent implementation of containment measures as per MoHFW guidelines and to prevent the spread of Variants of Concern/Variants of interest (VoCNol) and formation of clusters of cases.