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J&K SCERT develops academic planner to help students fill learning gaps

In an attempt to fill the learning gap among primary class students of government schools, J&K State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) have developed an academic planner for remedial teaching.

The academic paper has been developed for students of class 3rd to 5th as then department has noticed that due to ongoing pandemic the closure of educational institutions for a long time has increased the learning gap among different students. This has resulted in missing learning outcomes prescribed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).

An academic planner read that there has been an increased pressure on SCERT and increased responsibility in coping up with the challenge of closure of schools for such long time. Further paper read that academic planner has been prepared to cover the learning gap potentiated during the school closures.

As per reports, planner has been developed with the aim to encourage teachers to find out the learning gaps and plan their teaching strategies as per the planner.

The joint director for JK SCERT said that an assessment survey has been conducted in Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory (JKUT) and the learning gaps have been identified. Further joint director added that teachers have been advised to consider the district report card and their assessment to identify the specific learning gaps.

He further said that teaching strategies should be made as per the planner and it is aimed that students shall be prepared for the class they are in, by March 2022.

The planner is developed around student activities and projects with an emphasis on the integration of assessment through activities. The planner emphasis on curriculum related themes and topics with learning outcomes and key competencies, reportedly.

As per the academic planner, the teachers teaching English to subject to class 3rd students are supposed to make students good observers besides encouraging them to participate in group discussions. Various other teaching techniques have been suggested in planner for the teachers teaching different subjects to the students.