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J&K targets 70 percent Artificial Insemination coverage over next 5 years

Principal Secretary to Government, Animal and Sheep Husbandry & Fisheries Departments, Navin Kumar Choudhary today chaired a meeting of senior functionaries of Animal Husbandry Department at Civil Secretariat, here to discuss and review the implementation of Nationwide Artificial Insemination Program (NAIP), phase-III in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

During the meeting, threadbare discussions were held on Action Plan of NAIP-III for implementation in UT of J&K. The action plan was prioritized in view of release of first instalment of Rs 692.28 lakh under NAIP, phase-III against total plan of Rs 21.06 Cr approved by GoI. District wise target was set for number of dairy animals to be covered under NAIP–III.

Speaking during the meeting, the Principal Secretary said that the main aim of the program is to achieve 70 percent Artificial Insemination coverage over next 5 years. He also said that bovine breeding with AI technology by using frozen semen straws of high pedigreed progeny tested bulls is a basic requirement for achieving considerable increase in milk production and productivity.

Principal Secretary added that providing doorstep reliable AI delivery systems in districts with less than 50 percent AI coverage and birth of genetically superior male and female bovine calve is necessary to increase in milk production of UT and achieving the goal of doubling of milk production in next 5 years.