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J&K teacher’s forum demands expediting time bound promotion

Last Updated on January 2, 2022 at 3:24 pm

Monthly meeting of “All J&K Plus Two Lecturers’ Forum” was held under the Chairmanship of its  President Deepak Sharma through virtual mode to discuss pressing issues and demands pertaining to Plus Two cadre.

Deepak Sharma demanded Expediting of resolution and sanctiong of Assured Career Progression scheme (ACP)/Time Bound Promotion  and alleged discrimination as only 10+2 lecturers , amongst Gazetted cadre of UT of J&K have been deprived of  Assured Career Progression scheme (ACP)/Time Bound Promotion  despite repeated requests, petitions and memoranda by the Forum  and assurances from various previous dispensations and hoped that Principal Secretary BK Singh who has already addressed majority of issues of the cadre  will also resolve the long pending issue of ACP/TBP Pertaining to Plus Two Cadre by sanctioning Three Time Bound Promotions (from level9/5400 GP to Level 13/8700GP) within a span of 20 years on the analogy of their other counterparts in gazetted cadre (recruited in level 9/ GP 5400) in different departments and end worst type of stagnation and step motherly treatment as they have to suffer for about 20  long years in a single grade/ level before being promoted as Principal with a meagre enhancement of Rs 200 only in grade pay (pre-revised)  and also demanded revision of grade pay of Principals into 7600 on the analogy of Principals of Kendriya Vidyalayas.  

Allaying fears and apprehensions of some of the cadre members, Deepak Sharma said that ACP would be sanctioned in favour of all Lecturers irrespective of the mode of entry into gazetted cadre whether through PSC or DPC out of single Joint seniority as per existing rule position. He further added that “All J&K Plus Two Lecturers’ Forum” is only elected organization since 1975  that watches the interests of whole cadre right from  Incharge Lecturer to Joint Director and  appealed whole 10+2 cadre to remain united under one umbrella thereby negating the divisive politics on the basis of PSC versus DPC .

Forum further demanded Regularisation of all pending Lecturers,  Release of Promotion list of Principals and additional list of Senior Lecturers as per 1/3rd cadre strength, fixation of Induction Quota into KAS in favour of Plus Two Lecturers till the Education Administrative Service (EAS) as proposed is constituted from the academicians/Officers drawn exclusively from School Education Department  and hoped that  other demands like Non vacational  status to Principals/Head of Schools, restoration of 40% college quota,  and regularization of physical education lecturers and removal of their pay anomaly , provision of earned leave in favour all teaching cadres of SED and charge allowance in respect of all placements including incharge Lecturers will also be considered  on priority.

Proceedings of the meeting were conducted by General Secretary RS Salathia and technical coordination was done by District President Jammu, Vijay Verma.