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JKSSB likely to drop graduates and post-graduates who have cleared exam for class IV posts

Class-IV entrance test, conducted by Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board (JKSSB) are likely not to consider graduates, post-graduates and other candidates with higher qualifications for final selection process even though they have qualified and secured good marks.

The candidates who have maximum qualification of 12th and have cleared the test and come in the merit will be considered for final selection lists.

As per the sources, the idea of dropping graduates and post graduates from the final selection list of the Class-4, JKSSB is due to the fact that as per the enrolling rules which were finalized by the government vide S.O 184 of June 4th 2020, minimum qualification needed for Class-IV jobs having around 8575 posts in several government departments was matriculation whereas maximum was 12th.

Thus, all the candidates with higher qualification are likely to be dropped and only candidates with maximum 12th qualification will be considered. They will only be allowed to compete for final selection.

Idea behind dropping candidates with higher qualification, an official informed that, decision taken by the government to allow only Class 12th qualified for Class-IV jobs was a considered and conscious decision. 

As per the reports the government has decided to fill around 50,000 posts of various cadres. Out of these posts candidates having class 12th as their maximum qualification can only compete for 8575 posts in Class-IV posts whereas candidates with higher posts can apply in all the remaining posts. 

Also an officials said that since minimum qualification or minimum age for any posts can be fixed similarly maximum qualification or age can also be fixed for any post like in the case of Class-IV posts.

Also he said that another problem which lies in selecting graduates and post graduates for Class-IV jobs is even if these higher qualified candidates get selected for Class-IV, maximum of them will definitely appear for graduate level posts and if selected will leave Class-IV jobs. So, it will impact maximum of Class-IV posts because they will again fall vacant and JKSSB will have to again do all the recruitment exercises for Class-IV again.