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JKSSB terms report on deletion of names of candidates from Jammu baseless

Last Updated on September 27, 2021 at 7:39 pm

Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board has taken strict note of a news report published stating that names of three Jammu candidates for Assistant Information Officer (AIO) posts were deleted.

“It is important to put the facts relating to the selection of Assistant Information Officer in perspective, however, first thing first; it is necessary to clarify that nobody from the newspaper or the reporter mentioned in the by-line has ever spoken to the Chairman JKSSB on the subject in the past or in recent days. Therefore, the quote attributed to the Chairman JKSSB is as much wrong and baseless, as is unethical and illegal. Even the name of the Chairman JKSSB has not been written correctly in the said news item” an official statement by JKSSB said.

The statement further read, “Insofar as the shortlist for calling the candidates for interview is concerned, it has been prepared on the basis of applicable rules and procedures and in light of weightages assigned to various educational qualifications in the selection criteria notified for the post of Assistant Information Officer. There is no question of adding or deleting candidates on the basis of regional affiliations and that the selection process for any post is governed by selection criteria and not by affiliations of region, colour, caste or creed. The earlier shortlist as mentioned in the news item was withdrawn, after it came to notice that certain errors, particularly a programming error, had crept in its preparation, due to which rectification was imminent”.

It is important to add that the selection process for the post of Assistant Information Officer has been languishing for the past almost a decade and went through multiple rounds of litigations, upto the level of Supreme Court, the statement read.

“Presently, the case is under adjudication in the Division Bench of High Court at Srinagar and the JKSSB has been filing status/compliance reports regularly in the matter. The latest status report has been filed by the JKSSB on 9th September, 2021 before the Division Bench of the High Court wherein relevant facts relating to the revised shortlist have been placed on record” it reads.