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Kashmir witness rise in tourist footfall as temperature soars in plains, advance bookings for June

Last Updated on May 3, 2022 at 4:25 pm

Heat wave spell in the plain areas continues and people are bearing the brunt of rising mercury. In an attempt to abate the high temperatures people have flocked to Kashmir to enjoy the scenic views and get a respite from soaring temperature.

Many cities have maximum temperatures touching 45 degrees Celsius. Tourists have been thronging valley to enjoy the hilly weather. The intense heat has pushed up demand for power and several states reported long hours of power cut. Away from the searing heat, a tourist in Jammu & Kashmir told ANI that the weather was pleasant in the Valley, adding that it was the perfect time to enjoy Kashmir.

Another tourist said that Kashmir more than lived up to its claim to fame as the paradise on Earth and there is no comparison between Kashmir and any other place in terms of natural beauty. Further added that air also feels different and clean and tourists were also happy with the cleanliness and management.

The tourist footfall have increased after the abrogation of article 370 and given a boost to tourism sector.

Travel agents informed that hotels in Kashmir are booked for May and bookings for month of June have already been started.