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Kashmiri, Dogri and Hindi languages still not welcomed in the government machinery

Last Updated on July 7, 2021 at 4:15 pm

Almost a year has passed since the passing of Jammu and Kashmir Official Languages Act which included Kashmiri, Dogri and Hindi in the list of official languages in addition to the existing Urdu and English but still it is not being used in the government mechanism.

The Jammu and Kashmir Official Languages Bill, 2020 was passed after the abrogation of Article 370 in which Hindi, Dogri and Kashmiri languages were also recognized like Urdu and English but till now it is just on papers and nothing actually happened on ground.

Reportedly, still Urdu and English language are being used for administrative works, like in Revenue Department all documents are being prepared using Urdu and English language.

After Hindi, Dogri and Kashmiri languages were included in the list of official languages, employment opportunities in these languages arose among the youth of the state since they felt that these languages would be used in official work. But it’s almost a year and nothing has changed so far.

 According to the 2011 census, only 0.16 per cent of the population in Jammu & Kashmir spoke Urdu, while 2.3 per cent spoke Hindi.On September 23, 2020 the government said that steps will be taken to encourage other local languages like Punjabi, Gurjari and Pahari in the region. The government at that time termed it “unfortunate” that Punjabi was not included in the Bill and urged the government to reconsider it. Government stated in the parliament that sentiments of people have been hurt who are settled there and urged that decision should be reconsidered as language is the basis of cultural heritage of the community.The Act also stated that the administrator (lieutenant governor) may, for the promotion and development of regional languages of the UT, take required steps to strengthen existing institutional mechanisms such as the Academy of Art, Culture and languages in the Union Territory.