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Kashmiri man arrested for saying he has no expectations from non-local officers

Last Updated on June 15, 2021 at 5:47 pm

A resident of Jammu and Kashmir has been arrested on the grounds of promoting enmity after he commented that he has more expectations from a Kashmiri than a non-Kashmiri officer.

These comments were made by him during an interaction of locals with the J&K Lieutenant Governor’s advisor, Baseer Ahmad Khan, at Mansbal in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district on June 10.

50-year-old Sajad Rashid Sofi, a resident of Wani Mohalla area in Safapora village, Ganderbal district made these comments which put him behind bars. Meeting was attended by High-ranking officials, including Ganderbal Deputy Commissioner Krittika Jyotsna.

As per reports, during the meeting, a civil society group led by Sofi put forward its demands. As per reports, Sofi told Baseer Khan “We can have expectations from you because you are a Kashmiri and you can understand us. We can even grab you by the collar and ask for answers. But what expectations can we have from officers who are outsiders?’’ Ganderbal Deputy Commissioner took offensive in this statement.

As per reports, the court of the Ganderbal Chief Judicial Magistrate on June 12, granted interim bail to Sajad Ahmad Sofi up to June 21, 2021 but locals alleged that he had not been released yet.