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Ladakh: Chinese crossed LAC even last year, but with different purpose

Last Updated on June 21, 2020 at 6:31 pm

Heated debates on television with claims and counter-claims by the government agencies has become too common regarding the Chinese intrusion into the Indian territory along Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh.

But few know that Chinese had entered the Indian territory even last year in same areas where they intruded this year in Ladakh. However the purpose and intentions of their ‘intrusion’ last year was different.

The Indian army had invited Chinese military personnel on the International Yoga Day on June 21 in Ladakh where they did not only did Yoga but also had lunch with the Indian army.

Chinese army official in India for yoga in Ladakh

The practice of inviting the Chinese which had nothing unusual has a stinging difference this year when the same army had brutally killed 20 Indian soldiers and injured many others. The tensions are high in Ladakh after the incident that occurred on the intervening night of June 15 and 16.

While it is still clear as to what triggered the incident in which Chinese army attacked Indian soldiers with sticks and stones, but the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has clarified that ‘no Indian post is under their occupation’.

International Yoga Day of last year where Chinese army personnel had come to India in Ladakh

Inviting Chinese on lunch and dinner on special occasion including January 26, August 15 or International Yoga Day was a common practice where officers and jawans of both armies used to talk to each other without any visible signs of enmity.

However this year on International Yoga Day, the sentiments and gestures of both the armies towards each other are completely changed and it seems there would be no lunch or dinner hosted by any of them anytime soon.