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Land allotment cleared for two projects worth Rs 144 crore in Kashmir

Last Updated on July 3, 2021 at 7:32 pm

In continuity to the clearance of projects for land allotment by the High Level Land Allotment Committee in various Industrial Estates of Jammu Division with a projected investment of Rs. 2447 Cr., the High Level Land Allotment Committee on Saturday cleared land allotment to 2 mega projects worth Rs 144.66 crore having employment potential of 100 in Kashmir division.

In this regard, Principal Secretary, Industries and Commerce Department, Ranjan P. Thakur, chaired first High Level Land Allotment Committee meeting for Kashmir division today to approve allotment of land for establishing projects having proposed investment from Rs 50 crore to Rs 200 crore under the provisions of J&K Industrial Land Allotment Policy in Srinagar. 

At the outset, he highlighted that the process of land allotment has been streamlined and is made transparent in a committee based appraisal and allotment method.

The process of land allotment, for the first time adopted a strategy based on different parameters of the Project Report and presentations as envisaged in the Land Allotment Policy 2021-30.

Tazayun Mukhtar Kawos, Director Industries and Commerce, Kashmir (Member Secretary, High Level Land Allotment Committee) presented the agenda for five cases before the Committee and expressed optimism that the decisions in the meeting usher in a new era of growth, industrialization and employment generation in J&K besides promoting a culture of entrepreneurship.

The High Level Land Allotment Committee took up all 05 projects for allotment of land in Industrial Estates, IGC Lassipora, IE Khrew and IE Tulbal Sopore of Kashmir Division with a projected investment of Rs 430.41 crore.

After deliberations on case to case basis the committee approved 02 cases of land allotment with a projected investment of Rs 144.66 crore having employment potential of 100.  Rest of the 03 projects were discussed threadbare and due to certain shortcomings in the DPRs were referred back for completion. The establishment and registration of new units of air polluting industries in Industrial Estate, Khrew were deferred because of the moratorium by Pollution Control Board.