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LG Ladakh appreciates contribution of ICDS workers during pandemic

Last Updated on August 5, 2021 at 1:27 pm

Appreciating the contribution of the ICDS workers during the pandemic in monitoring Covid-19 cases and distribution of rations, Lieutenant Governor, Ladakh, RK Mathur, highlighted their noteworthy role and the need for their continued assistance for the community at large while speaking on the closing ceremony of the two-day workshop for field functionaries on various schemes implemented through the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) in Leh.

The workshop was organised by the Social and Tribal Welfare Department of UT Ladakh as a part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations. Lieutenant Governor, UT Ladakh, R K Mathur, was the chief guest for the concluding ceremony.

The first of its kind of workshop in UT Ladakh for the field functionaries of ICDS focused on learning and replicating the best practices followed at different Anganwadi Centres (AWCs). ICDS is one of the flagship programmes of the Government of India and represents one of the world’s largest and unique programmes for early childhood care and development for children under the 0-6 age group.

Lauding the initiative of the Social Welfare Department for organising the workshop aimed at learning and adopting the best practices implemented through ICDS in Leh and Kargil districts, LG Mathur stated that the progress of any programme depends on healthy discussions among the participants and stakeholders. LG Mathur hoped that the workshop would prove beneficial for improving the functioning of ICDS programmes in Ladakh.

He also stressed the need to work hard to provide all the facilities available at the Anganwadi centres, including providing running water and dry toilets. LG Mathur hoped to see the process of co-locating Anganwadi centres with schools carried out on a priority basis.

Speaking on the possibility of the third Covid-19 wave, LG Mathur shared that the administration would soon launch a drive to boost the immunity of the population yet to be vaccinated, i.e. children below 18 years and pregnant women. He said that the ICDS workers would play a pivotal role in delivering immunity boosters and health supplements to children and pregnant women.

Speaking during the occasion, Secretary, Social Welfare, Padma Angmo, stressed the need for learning and adopting best practices followed by the AWCs under ICDS in both Leh and Kargil districts. She expressed hope to see AWCs in Kargil co-located with schools or other government buildings on the line of AWCs in Leh districts. She added that the interaction between the ICDS functionaries of both districts should continue even beyond the workshop.