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Local authorities withdraw public funds against fictitious names in J&K

Last Updated on February 10, 2021 at 12:37 pm

As governments keep boasting of bringing transparency and accountability in public service system by bolstering the Panchayats, a case of alleged misappropriation of funds has come to the fore bursting the bubble of claims of the government. This case has reportedly surfaced from village Sangwali Panchayat Halqa Sangwali, Tehsil Ghagwal, District Samba.

According to the sources, a complaint has been registered with the Deputy Commissioner Samba and the Anti-Corruption Bureau.

The complainant stated that Government is granting huge funds for the overall development of village Sangwali, Panchayat Halqa Sangwali, Tehsil Ghagwal, District Samba and also different employment schemes are being launched in the villages, but villagers are not being benefitted from it.

The complaint reads that the funds provided since 2010 for the development of Panchayat Halqa Sangwali has been misused and never been properly utilized for the purpose. These funds are being used by Sarpanch/Panches/BDOs/Gram Sewek/GRS/Panchayat Secretary and JEs for their personal use and with mutual consent and understandings. The complaint further reads that the funds granted by the BDO since 2010 for Ghagwal have not been fully utilized for the works meant for under various government schemes.

It has been alleged in the complaint that hardly 10 per cent of the total funds have been utilized for the development. The complaint alleges that local authorities have withdrawn funds using fictitious names and drawn bills against the use of tractor/JCB/Damper etc. Registration numbers of these machines either or not recorded or the registration number mentioned does not exist at all. Fictitious owners of these machines have been created.

Complainant further stated that Ravi Kumar of Bhagocha Chack was granted money, according to the records, for use of tractor carrying earth, whereas he does not hold or own any tractor. Similarly, many more people have been granted money for using earth moving machines and load carriers, when such persons don’t even own any earth moving machines or load carriers.

The complaint also reads that under MGNREGA, local authorities have misused huge funds by putting fictitious names of job-card holders. Funds have been misused to an extent that the Panches have drawn money on their own names and names of their families. There are also allegations that funds have been withdrawn on bills for which any work has never been executed at all.