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Many departments fail to issue seniority lists above AEE cadre

Last Updated on October 5, 2021 at 1:00 pm

In Jammu and Kashmir many Incharge Chief Engineers and I/C Superintending Engineers in PDD, PHE/ Jal Shakti, Irrigation and Flood Control Department, PW (R&B), Mechanical Engineering Deptt, REW, JKPDC etc are retiring as Assistant Engineers, Assistant Executive Engineers or rarely Executive Engineers because since so long, no seniority list is being issued by the authorities above this cadre.

Due to this career goals and aspirations of many Engineers (B.Tech/ M.Tech) have been ruined since they are promoted as Incharge against the higher posts in their own pay and grade.

The condition in the Power Development Department, PHE/ Jal Shakti, Irrigation, Flood Control Departments is worst. The promoted engineers are given only charge allowance and they are promoted to the next post in their own pay and grade.

All J&K Retired Un-regularized Electrical Engineers Forum pointed out that last regularization order in the PDD was issued way back in 2001. Since then, all the promotions to all the posts have been done on In-charge stop gap basis. The engineers got retired without being confirmed and as such even Chief Engineers / SEs/ Executive Engineers are drawing their pension of the posts of AEE/AE and even JE only.

Employees have been kept away from their lawful right to the promotions at higher cadre.

In a meeting on October 22, 2019, the State Administrative Council ordered that the proposal for regular promotions of Power Development Department should be processed on fast track at Department level without referring to the Public Service Commission as one time exemption and whole process was supposed to be completed within two months (By November 30,2019), but it took nearly four months for the SAC decision to even get translated into committee for recommending the proposals for regularization of engineers of the Department for placement before the established committee.

A higher committee was framed by the General Administration Department (GAD) under the chairmanship of Administrative Secretary, Power Development Department to examine and recommend the cases of the engineers for regularization. But due to the various issues all along the way of proposal which was to be completed within two months as per SAC directives, could not be cleared even after two years, that too when it had only retired engineers.

A senior officer in the J&K UT Administration said that a proposal with regard to regularization of 166 Electrical Engineers, including mostly retirees, has been given to the Establishment Committee. The officer further said that after clearance of this list, the work on the second list is being prepared on fast track basis and will be recommended for the regularization soon.