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Many tribal girls quit studies due to potable water shortage in Bhadarwah hamlet

Last Updated on November 22, 2021 at 1:40 pm

In absence of piped water supply, more than a dozen tribal girls have left their studies midway in Bhadarwah amid severe shortage of drinking water there.

The Chenara village falls under Misrata panchayat in Bhaderwah sub-division 57 kms from the Doda district headquarters and is inhabited by Below Poverty Line (BPL) Gujjar population. In the Chanera hamlet atleast fifteen school going tribal girls had to quit studies to make fetching of water as their primary chore.

16-year-old Fatima from Chanera hamlet in Bhadarwah district was unable to clear her 8th class exams despite appearing twice. The daily routine of fetching potable water for her family has made her to sacrifice her studies. She said that due to fetching water miles away and almost 8 hours of walking daily leaves her exhausted and she fears of being under qualified.

Due to scanty rainfall it has come under severe water crisis as natural water resources have dried up.

In this hamlet, traditionally, women especially girls are in charge of collecting water every day for use in their homes and for cattle as well.

A local resident, Abdul Rashid Gujjar, said when piped water supply is not given to homes, the burden of fetching it falls disproportionately on women and children, especially girls.

Due to this situation girls are left with no choice but to quit the studies.  

Villagers and representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions said that since last three years they are struggling to get any potable water scheme sanctioned for their village but authorities especially that of ‘Jal Shakti Vibhag’ did not hear to their repeated requests.

Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Vibhag, Doda, Harjeet Singh said that hamlet is without piped water supply and for detailed project he will send a team there and will try to provide drinking water to the village under Jal Jeevan Mission but it will take some time to implement the project and provide potable water to them.