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Mega sanitation drive launched by JMC

Last Updated on September 24, 2021 at 4:44 pm

Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) in its continuous efforts to ensure sanitation in Jammu City, has launched a mega sanitation drive under Swachhata Pakhwada 2021 initiative as per the directions of Commissioner, Jammu Municipal Corporation in Ward No. 52 and 53, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu.  The JMC is providing sanitation in the entire city and putting every possible effort to provide upto mark sanitation in its area of jurisdiction. The aim of launching this mega sanitation drive is to take up those areas in surroundings of water bodies etc. During this drive the surrounding areas of river at Trikuta Nagar, Jammu were taken up for sanitation by a dedicated team comprising of concerned Sanitation Officer, Sanitary Inspector/Sanitary Supervisor and other allied staff  under overall supervision of Health Officer, JMC.  The Commissioner, JMC have already directed the sanitation staff for putting their every possible effort for providing proper sanitation to the citizens of the Jammu City, as the aim for launching this mega sanitation drive is to ensure higher cleanliness at the door steps.

     She further appealed to the people to cooperate with Jammu Municipal Corporation and use identified places for disposal of garbage. She also stressed to avoid use of polythene to the extent possible which is the major cause of blockage of drains and nallahs. She stressed for putting every possible efforts in achieving goal of making city Jammu Clean & Green and aim of Swachh Bharat Mission and added that such type of mega drives shall continue in future to cover every nook and corner of the city from sanitation point of view.