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Misappropriation of food grains in J&K’s Udhampur, ACB files charge sheet against officials

Last Updated on October 10, 2021 at 11:04 am

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Saturday filed a charge sheet against the officials of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (FCS&CA) department for the misappropriation of food grains in Jammu and Kashmir’s Udhampur.

An ACB spokesperson said that charge sheet was filed against Tehsil Supply Officer (TSO) Madan Lal and retired store keepers Bankey Ram, Jarmez Singh and Babu Ram in the anti-corruption court Udhampur. The next date of hearing is on November 13.

He further informed that the case was registered in 2015 on the details received out of a verification done into the allegations regarding misappropriation of food grains meant for different categories by the officials of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs department of Udhampur and Pancheri blocks between 2004 and 2008.
Moreover, food grains shown issued to different dealers have not been actually transported thereby the accused officials of FCS&CA department of Block Udhampur and Block Pancheri by misusing their official positions and criminal conspiracy with each other.

Spokesperson further informed that excess amount of over Rs 36.89 lakh was drawn on account of loading and unloading carriage charges of excess quota of ration issued to the dealers and have misappropriated the amount thereby causing wrongful gain to themselves and wrongful loss to the state exchequer by committing falsification of record and misappropriating public money.