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Nearly one lakh new admissions made in government schools in Kashmir

Last Updated on January 10, 2022 at 4:18 pm

During the ongoing enrollment drive launched by the Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK), government schools in Kashmir have witnessed more than one lakh admissions.

As per the data, 10475 schools reported in the enrollment drive.

In an attempt to provide optimum enrollment in government schools, the enrollment drive began from November 10 of 2021 in all districts.

As per the data, Kulgam district has taken a lead in enrollment of new students with an increase by 21 percent in the enrollment of students in the government schools.

As per the data reported in Greater Kashmir, Anantnag district took an increase by 21 percent in the enrolment of the students and schools of Baramulla district witnessed 18.41 percent increase in enrollment of students.

Fresh admissions in schools of Kupwara district are 18687 leading to an increase in the student enrolment of schools by 16.18 percent.

The government schools of Kashmir has witnessed an increase in enrollment from 6.21 lakh to 7.25 lakhs. The new admissions include 52983 males and 51084 female students besides 874 students with special needs and 993 students who had dropped out from the schools.