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Netizens angry over tourists driving car through Ladakh’s Pangong Lake

Last Updated on April 13, 2022 at 1:20 pm

There are some tourists which destroys other people vacation with their annoying habits such as littering, doing some wrong acts, breaking rules and much more.

One such incident happened in Ladakh which has made Ladakhis extremely angry. A video became viral when some tourists driving their SUV through Ladakh’s Pangong Lake.

A video has been shared by Jigmat Ladakhi that shows an Audi SUV racing through the lake with two tourists hanging out of the sunroof of the car and shouting.

“I am sharing again an another shameful video. Such irresponsible tourists are killing ladakh . Do you know? Ladakh have a more than 350 birds species and lakes like Pangong  are the home of many bird species. Such act may have risked the habitat of many bird species,” Jigmat Ladakhi said while sharing the video.

In the video it can also be seen that there is a table with bottles of alcohol, water and other snacks.

This incidence has evoked anger amongst the locals who are very responsible and sensitive towards their region’s flora and fauna. Many Twitter users slammed the irresponsible behaviour of the tourists.