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New toll plaza is all set to be constructed at Lakhanpur by NHAI

Last Updated on January 12, 2022 at 1:50 pm

In an attempt for smooth movement of traffic on Jammu- Pathankot Highway, a new toll plaza is all set to be constructed by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) at Lakhanpur by demolishing the existing one.

Lakhanpur being the gateway of Jammu and Kashmir needs to have up gradation so as to make it an attractive place for visitors. Many people faced problems due to the old toll plaza which is in worn out condition.

 Thus, NHAI has come forward with a proposal of new toll plaza at the cost of Rs 25 crore tentatively and submitted a proposal in Delhi. The dilapidated condition of NH at Lakhanpur and Hatli Morh and people of the area were demanding its immediate restoration as these two patches of NH had become accident prone areas.

 Project Director NHAI, Yash Pal Singh told Excelsior that they are all set renovate the Highway at Lakhanpur and the present Toll Plaza will also be demolished at Lakhanpur and DPR for the same has been made. He further said that a DPR has been submitted to Head Office Delhi and soon after its approval the work will be initiated.

He further added that directions have been given to his staff for remedial measures regarding the Hatli Morh waterlogging issue. Singh said as the National Highway is being widened to six lane and work is going on at different places, all the rectifications where-ever necessary will be done.

People living nearby alleged that the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) have failed to maintain the Highway properly especially at Lakhanpur and Hatli Morh in Kathua as there are potholes and ditches on Highway near about up to one kilometer on truck lane at Lakhanpur and this area has become prone to accidents. Due to the poor condition of highway it has resulted in dust pollution and has been a major concern of health issue among locals.