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Nightmare for terrorists, Joint Interrogation Center inaugurated in Kashmir

Last Updated on November 22, 2021 at 7:54 pm

A Joint Interrogation Center (JIC) was on Monday inaugurated in Awantipora in Kashmir which will be used to question hardcore terrorists.

Deputy Inspector General of Police South Kashmir Range Abdul Jabbar visited Awantipora where he chaired officers’ meeting and  took stock of the present security Scenario of the district and also inaugurated the Joint Interrogation Centre. 

While inaugurating the facility the DIG said  that investigations should be monitored regularly to get better results and asked the officers to fix priorities in curbing the crimes.

Speaking to officers, the DIG directed them to keep check on the anti national elements and stressed upon them to identify the areas & OGWs where from anti national elements get assistance.

He said that synergy between all forces in the district is must to foil the evil designs of anti-peace elements.

He asked the officers that while dealing with any anti-militancy operation and law and order scenario, people should not face any inconvenience. He directed the officers to work with more dedication to curb the activities of elements inimical to peace.

SSP Awantipora Mohammad Yousif and other officers briefed the DIG on the security measures taken for ensuring peaceful atmosphere in the district.