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No committee framed by MHA for talks with Ladakh leaders yet, mass agitation soon

Last Updated on March 23, 2022 at 1:45 pm

Ladakh’s demand for statehood and inclusion of the region in the 6th Schedule of the Constitution is getting no further progress as prominent leaders have yet not received any invite from the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for talks.

The agitation for demands is almost going from an year and now Ladakh is all set again for a mass movement in support of its four main demands.

Representatives of the Leh Apex Body (LAB) and Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA) have neither received any invitation for communication from MHA nor any committee been framed.

Four major demands projected in the LAB meeting and which have been raised earlier also collectively by the LAB and KDA include Statehood for Ladakh, Sixth Schedule like status, two Parliamentary seats instead of one and Government jobs for the youth.

In an attempt to boost the agitational programme, the Leh Apex Body (LAB) met in Leh under the chairmanship of Thupstan Chhewang, a two-time Lok Sabha member, and decided to resume agitation jointly with the KDA, reportedly.

Soon after the meeting, Thupstan Chhewang have reportedly left for Kargil for talks with the KDA leaders and finalize date and venue for joint meeting of LAB and KDA shortly to give final touch to the agitational programme. It will be decided whether the KDA leaders will travel to Leh or LAB representatives will tour Kargil for the meeting, as per Daily Excelsior.