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No decision yet on financial help of private schools in J&K

Last Updated on November 8, 2021 at 2:40 pm

Since the pandemic led to shutdown of the schools for a long period of time, it made institutions suffer massive losses.

The government planned to implement the decision for economic revival of private schools. But the delay in taking this decision has lead to closure of more than 200 budget schools.

In November, last year Jammu and Kashmir government has framed a committee for the revival of the private educational institutions in J&K Union Territory (UT).

Headed by the advisor in-charge of School Education and Higher Education Department as its Chairman the committee was to look into the details, difficulties being faced by private educational institutions in J&K UT on account of closure of schools due to Covid-19.

The decision was to be made within 15 days of the order which was issued. But to an utter shock, a year has passed since the committee was made but there has been no progress. There are many other locally managed schools that are on the edge of being closed since the government delayed the decision.

Since it has been year since the decision it shows the lackadaisical attitude of government towards the reviving of private schools. It seems that everything was on papers and ground reality is different. Most of the locally managed schools and budget private schools are denied the monthly fee by the parents under the pretext of not attending the regular offline classes at the schools, reportedly. Majority of the parents according to the school management do not acknowledge the online classes conducted by the teachers of the concerned schools, reportedly.

President Private Schools Association J&K (PSAJK) G N Var said that budget private schools and other schools which are locally managed by the concerned school managements are on the edge of being closed because of the financial losses suffered by them.

He added that around 200 schools are at the verge of closure as the management is unable to run the schools due to huge financial losses they faced from the past two years.

He further informed that the committee to examine the financial losses of private schools was constituted when the advisor to J&K Lieutenant Governor K K Sharma was heading the school education department but after his transfer there was no progress. He said that the association submitted their representations to the government many times but no steps were taken to implement the decision.