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No more interviews for these posts in Jammu and Kashmir; Govt abolishes oral tests

In a major decision aimed at increasing efficiency, transparency and timely conclusion of recruitment process, the Lieutenant Governor approved the proposal of the General Administration Department to exclude various Level-6 posts from the requirement of conduct of Interview/Oral Test.

The recruitment against these Level-6 posts shall now be made on the basis of Written Test only. The decision shall ensure that selections are objectively fair and merit based, and it paves the way for advertisement of more than 1000 posts including 855 posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) which shall be filled up on a fast-track basis through the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board.

Further, the Lieutenant Governor has also directed the identification of posts of similar nature which can be considered for exclusion from the requirement of Oral Test/Interview, for which the process has also been initiated by the General Administration Department.