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No seriousness towards annual administrative inspection of govt offices in J&K

Last Updated on October 7, 2021 at 10:58 am

For the smooth functioning and efficiency in the working system, practice of annual administrative inspection of all the government offices in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir should be followed. But annual administrative inspection is not taken seriously despite of the fact that this exercise is important to find out the shortcomings and take corrective measures.

General Administration Department had issued formal instructions to all the administrative secretaries to ensure strict compliance to the rules, which lay thrust on administrative inspection of the subordinate offices so that offices run smoothly.

The issue was discussed many times in several meetings of Committees of Secretaries chaired by the Chief Secretary and it came in notice that inspections of the subordinate offices are not being conducted regularly.

As per the procedure, each Administrative Department needs to conduct administrative inspection of all Heads of the Departments and all Autonomous/Corporate units at UT and Divisional levels. Similarly, the Heads of the Departments are required to conduct administrative inspection of provincial level offices and provincial level offices are supposed to inspect district level offices. Similarly, the district level offices are supposed to conduct inspection of block/tehsil level offices.

But the system is not followed everywhere like in this current year, only one or two administrative departments have constituted teams for carrying out administrative inspections and no seriousness has been shown by others.

Due to this objective behind the move is not achieved.

As per reports, the administrative inspection of those departments which are dealing directly with public like revenue assumes much importance keeping in view the complaints of the general people about inconvenience in obtaining services but due to non seriousness about regular administrative inspections, majority of the administrative secretaries and heads of the departments are even not aware about the implementation status of the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Guarantee Act (JKPSGA).