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Pakistan deploys surface-to-air missiles along Indian border

With the tensions over Kashmir running high along Pakistan and Indian border, the former has reportedly deployed Chinese manufactured highly destructive missiles in a base in Lahore that is very close to the this side of the border.

Satellite images accessed by makes it clear that the movement of missiles by Pakistan started in February this year when the relations between both the countries had taken a deep downward slide. The Pakistan has reportedly deployed LY-80 missile system that is manufactured and sold to Pakistan by China.

Pakistani missiles along Indian border

The missile system has been deployed close to the India-Pakistan border in Lahore. It is suspected that the system has been deployed at least 20 Kms from the Indian border. The missile system LY-80 was earlier moved to the same location in 2019 in the month of December but was removed due to strategic reasons.

The LY-80 missile, a surface-to-air missile is supposed to protect the aerial territory by the incoming fighter planes of the other side. The missiles have the capability to target high flying fighter jets at a high speed.

The pictures taken from the satellite suggest that Pakistan has fitted the missile containers on trucks that have the capability to fire six rockets in a single go. Pakistani army had inducted the weapon in 2017 and started its testing. China had introduced the missile for its army in 2011.

Pakistani missiles along Indian border

Tensions have escalated between Indian and Pakistan since August 5 when India withdrew the special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir through Article 370. While people in India and many even in Jammu and Kashmir have welcomed the step, Pakistan’s game-plan of acquiring Kashmir through a sustained terrorism campaign was demolished by the move of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government.

There have been skirmishes on International Border and Line of Control, which divides the Jammu and Kashmir into two, between India and Pakistan. Ceasefire violations have become a common phenomenon from the side of Pakistan.

Pakistani missiles along Indian border