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Patwari caught red-handed by ACB while accepting bribe

Last Updated on November 8, 2021 at 5:35 pm

Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) received a complaint that Gulzar Ahmad, Patwari, Halqa Dangerpora, Budgam is demanding Rs 2000 as bribe for affecting entries of Mutation in Revenue record regarding land recently bought by the complainant.

On receipt of the complaint, Case FIR No. 35/2021 U/S 7 PC Act 1988 was registered and investigation taken up.

“During the course of investigation, a trap team was constituted. The trap team laid a successful trap and caught red-handed Gulzar Ahmad, Patwari, Halqa Dangerpora, Budgam while demanding and accepting the bribe money from the complainant in presence of independent witness. He was arrested and taken into custody by ACB Team” an official spokesperson of ACB said.