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PDD’s failure causing delay in implementation of central scheme

Last Updated on June 8, 2021 at 2:54 pm

The fate of the power scheme Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP) doesn’t  seem to turn out since it has got many extensions and missed many deadlines. Jammu and Kashmir is bearing huge losses due to this.

This centrally sponsored scheme by the Power Department has fallen flat since R-APDRP was aimed to reduce the Transmission and Distribution (T&D) losses in J&K but the state is still suffering losses. No progress has been made

PDD insiders said that they witnessed slow progress under this scheme covering the twin capitals of Jammu and Srinagar. The main reason is that only few areas have been covered under this scheme mainly by VIPs like legislators and bureaucrats, said a PDD officials.

As per reports, no work is being done, no further action or steps being taken, no progress have been made  and lack of decision  has made this scheme to fail.

The R-APDRP Government had sanctioned Rs.151.99 crores for the first phase of the project, while Rs.1665.27 crore for the second phase of this project. 

The second phase was expected to cover two main cities including Jammu and Srinagar for which the funds estimated at the cost of Rs 52,89 crore were approved.

According to the 2001 census, under this scheme 30 towns were pinned down in J&K with a population of above 10,000.

283 towns with a population of over 4000 were also identified to be covered in the second phase.
Phase -1 of 283 towns is to cost Rs. 171.61 crore and phase-2 will cost Rs. 1073.33 crore.

But now the state is incurring losses. No attention is being paid by PDD for taking this scheme ahead.