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People dying of Covid, BJP celebrating 7 years of Modi government: J&K Congress

Last Updated on May 29, 2021 at 6:11 pm

Hitting hard at the BJP for celebrating the Seven years of Modi government amidst deaths of people due to Covid mismanagement, Jammu and Kashmir Congress alleged that BJP is insensitive to the sufferings of the people. 

J&K Congress in a statement issued here said “there is nothing to celebrate or remember the worst seven years regime of the Modi government but celebrating it  in any manner amidst huge human tragedy and sufferings speaks of the insensitivity of the ruling BJP which is worried about the image and political prospects of the party”. 

The statement further said that the 7 years of BJP government headed by Narinder Modi saw multiple failures and man made disaster for the people especially due to its flawed economic policies and pro crony capitalist- programs leading to anti farmers, anti poor and anti Youth approach and actions.

“The farmers in the country are on war path for around one year and observed black day on May 26 when Modi government had taken over in 2014. This is first time that all farmers in the country are unanimous that the new laws are against their interest and need to be repealed but the government is adamant. Remember, the Modi govt had come to power on the slogan of ending the farmers suicides and doubling their income” the statement by Congress read.