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Power supply increased by 17% in Kashmir

Last Updated on November 8, 2021 at 4:47 pm

In a major step by power department, it increased electricity supply in Kashmir by 17 percent as compared to last year.

Kashmir Power Development Corporation Limited (KPDCL) supplied 357.79 lakh units of power which is 17.5 percent higher than the energy supplied last year.

In November, last year KPDCL was to supply 304.60 lakh units of energy.

As per officials, KPDCL so far is supplying the highest ever peak load served in Kashmir. As per the official figures, 1694 MW of power is supplied which is the highest ever peak load served, also 15 percent higher than last year 1450 in 2020.

Chief Engineer KPDCL Distribution, Aijaz Ahmad Dar said that though supply of energy has been enhanced but the revenue realization remains the same as of last year, which means that higher AT&C losses despite their continuous efforts people continue to resort to power pilferage.

Dar further said that they have no other option than to resort to power curtailments with the onset of winter as the demand has peaked despite their supply seeing an increase of over 15 percent. He further added that burden is being caused by use of heating gadgets, power thefts, and non-judicious use of power.

On Saturday, KPDCL announced its first winter power curtailment schedule according to which non-metered areas will face 3 hours power cuts and metered areas 1.5 hours power cuts.

However, officials said that curtailment schedule which will be revised in coming days and the curtailment hours are likely to increase as power demand will see further increase due to more dip in temperature.