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PWD completes 6 road projects without connecting bridges in J&K

Last Updated on March 17, 2021 at 9:07 pm

The Public Works (Road and Building) Department has shown a lethargic attitude in executing about six road projects under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna in two districts without even constructing connecting bridges.

Sources complained that people are suffering because of this unsystematic construction of roads which was done to provide all-weather road connectivity in rural areas. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna guidelines state that it is necessary to provide all-weather roads with necessary culverts and cross drainage structures operating throughout the year.

Sources said that the department had to construct minor bridges with single-lane wherever they are necessary between these road projects. Guidelines also mentioned that if length of any bridge is more than 15 meters then the expert team has to inspect the site and prepare a separate Detailed Project Report.

Sources found that while road projects in Udhampur District including Kud to Madha-12 km, Dhar road to Plater-3.8 km, Barmen to Satyaltha Khas-7 km, Mansar to Sourap-4.5 km, Barmen to Dharnoo-14 km, District Rajouri road project from Khawas to Bela-10 km were executed three years ago and crores of rupees went into their construction, these roads failed to serve the purpose of all-weather road connectivity to proposed habitations.

The Executive Engineer said that some bridges are being constructed and DPRs are under approval. If everything goes according to plan then they will be completed very soon.