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PWD promotes four engineers and transfers 31 others

Last Updated on July 2, 2022 at 8:39 am

Public Works Department (PWD) promoted four engineers and transferred 31 others via an order.

The order mentioned that Peer Shahjahan Mohammad, Executive Engineer, Fisheries Department, has been transferred and posted as Superintending Engineer Mughal Road Projects, along with Fayaz Ahmad Mir, Executive Engineer, REW at the disposal of PDD, Mushtaq Ahmed, Executive Engineer, J&K Integrated Grievances Redress and Monitoring System, and Muzafar Ahmad Bhat, Executive Engineer, PMGSY Anantnag, to SE R&B. They will take over on January 8th, 2022.

31 Engineers who have been posted as Executive Engineers are:

-Pooja Wazir from JKPCC department to the disposal of School Education Department for further posting in RUSA

-Najmun Sehar from Horticulture P&M to TO to CE R&B Kashmir

-Fayaz Ahmad Kumar from Tourism Department to R&B SS Division Uri for available vacant post

-Abhishek Gupta from PCD to R&B Division Ramban

-Masood Ur Rafiq from R&B Division Kishtwar to R&B Division Chatroo, will also occupy the position of PMGSY Chatroo in addition to his own duties

-Raies Askam Makhdoomi from School Education Department to R&B Division Baramulla

-Shuja Ahmad from ACB to SKIMS

-Fayaz Ahmad Kar from R&B Division Sopore to Kashmir University

-Beiza Rafiq from ERA Kashmir to ERA

-Shivangi Gupta in DIQC

-Hamid Iqbal Mir from SIDCO to disposal of RD&PR

-Atul Gupta from Construction Division 3rd SD Marh Jammu at the disposal of Home Department for further posting in PHC Jammu

-Asiaf Ullah Khan from Tourism Department to R&B Division Chadoora

-Syed Ishfaq Ahmad from R&B SD Achabal to PMGSY Anantnag

-Asgaq Ahmad Ashaq from PCD J&K to Construction Division 2nd Srinagar

-Tariq Ahmad Wani from RRCR Division Srinagar to R&B Special Division Tangmarg

-Zakir Hussain Zargar from R&B SD East Doda to PMGSY Thathri

-Manzoor Ahmad Wani from R&B Division Khanabal to the disposal of RD&PR for further posting

-Khalid Mehmood Qureshi from PC Division 1st Srinagar to City Roads Srinagar (SMC)

-Farooq Ahmad Dagga awaiting orders for posting is posted in ERA Kashmir

-Rakesh Saraf to PMGSY Jammu

-Ram Pal Xen PMGSY Jammu to Chief Engineer PMGSY Jammu

-Gian Singh from PHC Jammu at the disposal of Department of RD&PR for further duties

-Subash Gupta from Mughal Road Projects to the disposal of SMVDSB

-Rabinder Shekhar from SMVDSB to Mughal Road Projects

-Sajad Ali Bhat from R&B Division Chandoora to the disposal of RD&PR

-Masroor Ahmed Malik from R&B Division Baramulla at the disposal of Department of RD&PR

-Sheikh Zameer Ahmad from JK HB to DIQC

-Bashir Ahmad Mir from DIQC at the disposal of HU&DD for further posting in JK Housing Board

-Rajiv Mohan at the disposal of Jal Shakti Department