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Raids conducted at various places in Jammu; 2 fraudsters arrested

Last Updated on December 30, 2021 at 8:08 pm

Crime Branch Jammu conducted raids at different places in RSPura area and arrested two fraudsters- namely Amarjeet Singh and Pawanpreet  Singh besides seizure of  some incriminating material.

The arrests were made in Case FIR No. 44/2021 U/S 419,465,467,468,471,489-A-E,120-B IPC r/w 66-D IT Act 2000 P/S Crime Branch Jammu for their involvement in clandestinely issuing fake and forged certificates including Police clearance certificates (PCC) vehicle permits, driving licenses, birth certificates etc. in Jammu for ulterior motives.

The instant case was registered by Crime Branch Jammu on the basis of reliable source information which pointed towards involvement of some fraudsters in issuing fake and forged certificates / documents of different nature to the people for their vested interests.