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Retaining students in J&K government schools remains a challenge

Retaining students in government schools in Jammu and Kashmir is coming as a challenge for the department.

During the Project Approval Board (PAB) meeting convened by the Secretary Department of School Education and Literacy (DSEL), Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India, it has come to highlight that retention rate of students in J&K government schools is below national average.

For the J&K School Education department retaining students is a major problem.

“The retention rate at the primary level is 84 percent and 66 percent at the elementary level. This is below the national average. The retention rate at the secondary level has increased by 7 percent from the previous years,” read the minutes of the meeting released by DSEL, MoE.

The analysis, as per the minutes of the meeting, suggested that compared to the primary level, there was a large number of dropouts at the upper primary level. The DSEL suggested that focus should be made on the improvement of net enrollment in the lower secondary and upper secondary levels. It has been also directed that learning outcomes must be analyzed and provide interventions to improve the learning outcomes of the students. The J&K SED has been advised to take steps to ensure a 100 percent transition rate in schools from one level to another level.

Moreover, J&K also needs to expedite distribution and provide free textbooks to students within a month of the start of the academic session,” read the minutes of the meeting. J&K needs to focus on providing uniforms to the students in time within three months of the start of the academic year.