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Review of Gullak Season 2: This middle-class drama is as true as unconditional love

Last Updated on January 12, 2021 at 4:09 pm

The show has all the ingredients of pure and authentic entertainment, about a lower middle-class family set in a small town.

 Season 2 of Gullak  

 Cast: Jameel Khan, Sunita Rajwar, Geetanjali Kulkarni, Harsh Mayar, Vaibhav Raj Gupta  

Gullak is not only a piggy bank that acts as the resting place of spontaneous shift  in which you sit, but also a reservoir of the household stories in which it sits.

Each family experiences tales that are not just heartwarming but also resonate with you, much as any currency note and coin that exists in that tiny box has a story behind it.  

And that’s the magic of season 2 of Gullak—it manages to be as promising as the first, because of its elegance and its capacity to communicate with any middle-class spectator it reaches out to.  

Each member comes, describing their lives with their own package of ambitions and challenges. It has everything from the family leader (played by Jameel Khan) who is battling his inner demons to say no to an extra dose of ‘suvidha shulk’ (bribe) to a housewife (Geetanjali Kulkarni) who has her own ways of reaching both ends every day.

Their two sons are in utter contrast to each other-the older one, played by Vaibhav Raj Gupta, is a genius of storytelling with his deep comprehension of any event in his city. His inability to crack a civil services review at the first try, though, has tagged him as a loser. He leaves little hope of tormenting his younger brother (Harsh Mayar), who in the academic the sector hardly shows any promise to make it high. Glamour and song and dance can run low, but the conviction with which they live their display resides in synchronization have them fall in love with one another the moment you see them.  

The strength of the show lies in a heart-winning screenplay and its cast members who fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Their actions and reactions are so in sync that you can’t but imagine them as family members. The intensity with which they take you deep into their lives strikes the right chord, and there is a lived-in feel to their story.