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Rising concern of authorities over increasing suicide attempts from Jammu’s Tawi Bridge

Last Updated on May 14, 2022 at 5:07 pm

Tawi Bridge in Jammu is hogging the headlines due to increasing number of suicide attempts by people by jumping off the bridge. There has been frequent rise in the number of suicide attempts by jumping off the bridge from past few months.

Two such incidents were reported in the past few days where a man and a lady ended their life by jumping off the bridge. Meanwhile, the people expressed serious concern over the rising suicide cases. They said that the bridges over river Tawi have turned into suicide point.

Due to rising suicide attempts from the bridge, police and authorities are planning to put concertina wires on the edges of bridges to prevent people from jumping off it.  The councilors are going to represent this resolution to get passed in the general meeting of the Municipal Corporation going to be held on Saturday. 

The number of people jumping from the Tawi Bridge to end their lives is increasing every year. Last year, at least a dozen persons, including two newly married women, lost their lives after jumping from the bridge.