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Rs 5 lakh penalty imposed on food joints, fake ‘ghee’ recovered in Kashmir

Last Updated on October 28, 2022 at 8:10 pm

The Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Anantnag, Gulzar Ahmad Bhat, who is also designated as Adjudicating Officer under FSSA, 2006 today imposed a penalty of Rs 5,00,000 in 18 cases filed by Food Safety Officers of the district against various Food Business Operators (FBOs).

The penalty was imposed for violating different provisions of law including manufacturing/sale of substandard/misbranded food products and for non-compliance of orders of Food Safety Officers for not obtaining license/registration and violation of Schedule 4 of Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006 (Good hygienic & Good manufacturing practices). 

The ADC during trial of these cases directed the FBOs to adhere strictly to the provisions of FSSA, 2006 and desist from such unwarranted acts in future.

Meanwhile acting on a tip off, Food Safety Officer (FSO) Anantnag along with D.O Sher Bagh today raided the premises at Nazuk Mohalla, Anantnag and found the culprits processing ghee like substance from fat spread and vegetable fat.

During the preliminary investigation, it was found that the same substance was being sold to the general public as ‘ghee’. 

Meanwhile, FSO Anantnag has requested the general public to purchase only properly labeled ghee with relevant FSSAI certifications and stay away from counterfeit products. 

Further, the department has taken up the matter with Police authorities for a detailed investigation in the matter to enable the Department to book all those who are involved in the illegal practice.