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Rush on Satta Matka: Prediction for BJP in UP and AAP in Punjab

Last Updated on March 8, 2022 at 4:58 pm

Assembly elections 2022 were held in five states namely, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Manipur, Punjab, and Goa. Though actual results are awaited which will be announced on March 10, satta markets have predicted a win again for BJP in UP. As per the exit poll results, the Samajwadi Party (SP) and its allies will win 71-101 seats, while the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is predicted to win 3-9 seats. The Congress could win 1-3 and others could bag 2-3 seats.

One of the bookie told IANS that farmers played a major role for votes to divide otherwise BJP would have got more seats than they have predicted of getting 220 seats.

Whereas, in Punjab, AAP is predicted to get a remarkable win. The exit polls give AAP 63 seats in 117-seat Punjab, with the majority mark at 59. The exit poll result puts Congress at the second spot, with 19-31 seats. The BJP alliance with former chief minister Amarinder Singh’s Punjab Lok Congress may win one to four seats or 7 per cent votes. The Shiromani Akali Dal is predicted to secure 18 per cent votes or seven to 11 seats in the Punjab Assembly.

Among other states, a tight race between the ruling BJP and Congress has been predicted by many in Uttarakhand and Goa, while most predicted a clean sweep for the saffron camp in Manipur.