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Sheep farms allotted to tribal youth in Jammu and Kashmir

Last Updated on October 4, 2021 at 5:29 pm

Tribal Affairs Department, Jammu and Kashmir has started an ambitious project to create gainful employment to 10,000 tribal youth in different districts of Jammu and Kashmir.

Shahid Iqbal Choudhary, secretary, Tribal Affairs Department said that under Phase 1 of sheep farming scheme, 1500 youth have been selected which have been aimed at establishment of 1,500 mini sheep farms this year and will be raised by 30% every subsequent year. He further added that the scheme aims establishing more than 10,000 such sheep farming units in the next 4 years.

He further said that more than 6,000 applications were received in various districts under the flagship scheme which was launched in 13 districts for establishment of 835 mini sheep farms. He further added that the scheme was 100% funded by J&K Tribal Affairs Department.

He further informed that 5,225 applicants were found eligible under the scheme and a draw of lots was carried out in all the 13 districts to select 835 tribal youth for establishment of sheep farms and every district has also maintained a small waiting list of eligible tribal youth.

He further said that department is working to establish 500 dairy farms and 700 additional mini sheep farms under the scheme apart from 17 milk villages and support for procurement of milk chilling plants, packaging units and transportation. He added that financial institutions have also been roped in for providing financial help to tribal youth wishing of establishing bigger sheep farms with 200-500 livestock.