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Srinagar to get 16 grade separators to ease traffic woes

Last Updated on November 10, 2021 at 10:51 am

Due to the rising traffic congestions and gridlock and increasing vehicle population in Srinagar, 16 junctions for grade separation including Sanat Nagar junction which often witness traffic congestion has been recommended, reportedly.

As per the reports, 16 junctions are proposed for Grade separation in phase-I & II, eight junctions are proposed in phase-I which includes Nowgam Chowk, Sanat Nagar Chowk, Tengpora-Batamaloo Crossing, Bemina Chowk, Parimpora Chowk, Shalteng Chowk, Humhama Chowk and Jhelum Bund near GPO to SangarMall.”

The report further read that remaining eight junctions are proposed in phase-II – J&K Bank Corporate Office Crossing, Narbal Crossing, Jawaharpora Narbal Crossing, Mirgund Crossing, Kandizal Crossing, Ichigam Crossing, Pantha Chowk and Dalgate crossing and four junctions are proposed for signalization in phase-I – Soura Chowk, Ilahi Bagh, Karan Nagar and Baghat Chowk.

Also the report mentions that in areas where there is heavy traffic and gridlock due to faulty geometry and absence of traffic control measures have been identified at grade geometric improvements with proper signalization (variable cycle, coordinated/synchronized or vehicle actuated signals) with pedestrian signal phasing and while others are proposed for improvement in junction geometry such as separation of grades.

It has been suggested that junctions should be installed with security cameras. 

It has come to fore that 20 critical junctions have been identified either lying at the proposed outer ring road (ORR), intermediate ring road (IMRR), inner ring road (IRR) or at the important arterial roads). Junctions on IMRR, IRR and Arterial roads are planned to be improved in phase I and junctions on ORR in phase II. 

The plan for grade separators in Sanat Nagar, Bemina chowk is not a new one as it has been proposed long back but no seriousness was shown towards it.